Nineteen sixty eight was a banner year. I began my first sabbatic leave from the seminary in September. Sam Keen and I went to California with grants from the American Association of Theological Schools to study the human potential movement. We spent time at Esalen and Kairos, the two leading growth centers on the West Coast. I met people such as Michael Murphy, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Alexander Lowan, Al Pesso, Stan Kellerman, Jim Simkin, Bob Goulding, Mary Goulding, and Eric Berne. Dr. Warren Cox had made Berne’s Games People Play required reading for those of us working at the Louisville Area Mental Health Center. He suggested, half jokingly, that I look up its author when I got there. Just before leaving, I wrote to Eric Berne, asking where I could learn something about transactional analysis (TA). To my surprise, when I arrived, the author had gone out of his way to arrange for me to meet Chaplain Hedges Capers at the Naval Hospital in San Diego and psychiatrist Ted Olivier with whom I trained for the year.