This chapter looks at the initial few days of rehearsals with the actors and describes how to establish the way you want to work. Start in the right way and it will set you up for the whole process. Make an error in the first few days and it can cause lasting damage. This chapter covers nine separate areas:

Organising your thoughts about actors Twelve golden rules for working with actors Establishing the language of your process How to give feedback to actors about their work How to sit in the rehearsal room Introducing the text to the actors The first day of rehearsals The model showing Introducing sound, costumes, props, furniture, lights and scenic elements

to the rehearsal process

Organising your thoughts about actors

The thoughts you have in your head about actors when you enter the rehearsal room will dictate how you work with them. If, for example, you have the thought ‘Actors are difficult’ you will enter the room in a defensive manner, anticipating problems even where there are none. If you have the thought ‘Actors are special’ you will enter the room worried that you are at a disadvantage – not special enough yourself – and may well start to treat them with kid gloves.