JOHN C. NORCROSS is known primarily for three contributions to the field. First has been his creation of several definitive reference books for practitioners including Authoritative Guide to Self-Help Resources in Mental Health, Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, and Psychologists’ Desk Reference. Second, he has been the leading voice in the integrative therapy movement. In his books, Psychotherapy Relationships That Work and Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration, Norcross has been very influential in his call for combining the best, empirically based features of therapeutic practice into a synthesized model that is responsive to individual and cultural differences. Finally, Norcross has had a long-standing interest in researching and writing about what best promotes lasting behavioral change. In his book, Changing For Good, he and several colleagues reached a wider audience for their decades of research about what works best in self-initiated change efforts.