This chapter contains citations of writings that are primarily concerned with Berg’s orchestral music (Orchestra Pieces, Op. 6; concert aria Der Wein; Violin Concerto). Studies of the Three Fragments from Wozzeck and Symphonic Pieces from Lulu are found in Chapters 4 and 5, respectively. The citations in this chapter are arranged alphabetically by author, or title if an author’s name is lacking. Since information on the orchestral works is also contained in writings cited in other chapters of this book, the reader is urged to consult the Index under “Berg, $OEDQZRUNV´IRUDFRPSOHWHOLVWRIVRXUFHV


$GRUQR7KHRGRU:³'UHL2UFKHVWHUVWFNHRS´,Q5HLFKQR ± 5HSULQWHG ³2UFKHVWHUVWFNH´ ZLWK PLQRU UHYLVLRQV LQ Adorno (no. 862): 81-91. In German. For English and other translations, see Adorno (no. 862).