Technological innovations have poised marketing communication professionals to deliever multi-sensory media that engage consumers in active experiences intended to increase the effectiveness of persuasive content online (Li, Daugherty, & Biocca, 2001, 2002, 2003). As such, the Internet has become an important mainstream channel adept at facilitating entertainment via informative and interactive simulations (Burke, 1996) rich in both experiential and rational information (Novak, Hoffman, & Duhachek, 2003). The result is a medium capable of creating a sense of presence from content designed to infl uence consumer attitudes and behaviors via persuasive appeals (Daugherty, Li, & Biocca, 2005, 2008). The purpose of this chapter is to examine the existing body of work linking persuasion with presence and present a conceptual model illustrating these connections. While an exhaustive account of all research in this area is not possible here, the proceeding sections summarize key antecedents and outcomes associated with stimulating presence for persuasive purposes. An examination these relationships is important to both academicians and professionals in a number of fi elds, such as entertainment media, gaming, ecommerce, advertising, marketing, psychology, and communication. After presenting a conceptual model, conclusions and future directions for research are discussed.