Chapter 5 dealt with Tillich’s search for a dimension of divinity that would point to the presence and power of the feminine in the divine. This concern prompted him to play with the idea of a fourth dimension of deity which would birth the dynamic and differentiation characteristic of the life of the Trinity itself. In this speculation Tillich approaches Meister Eckhart’s understanding of the Godhead preceding the Trinity as the fourth dimension of deity. It was also suggested that Jacob Boehme completes Eckhart in his suggestion that the divine opposites seek their union in human consciousness which alone can discern the split within divinity and move to its resolution in humanity as the condition of its resolution in divinity. In this context historical human consciousness becomes the fourth in which Trinity and humanity redeem each other in time. And so a pattern of a double quaternity emerges. The God beyond God drives toward full consciousness in humanity. Since the sense of both quaternities derive from human experience the emergence of the sense of a double quaternity is as psychological as it is religious and theological.