Being a people pleaser, Susan always worried about upsetting people, especially her husband. When her husband came home from work, he didn't say much, looked grumpy, and sat in front of the television for the whole evening. She didn't know what had happened or what the trouble was. She was anxious and tense, wondering whether she had done anything to upset him. When she asked him if he was upset with her, he responded in an irritated tone of voice: `I am not upset with you. Don't be so sensitive. Why don't you leave me alone?' Susan did not know what to say and left the room in tears. Rose had not answered the phone and opened her mail for three weeks. She was anxious and nervous about people contacting her about the work she had promised to do. She said:

I am struggling. There is so much to do. I feel guilty for not being able to do the things I promised to do. I just ®nd it dif®cult saying `no'. I want to, but I don't know what to say or how to say it.