The Contracting Parties Being desirous of carrying into effect the

plan for the discharge of reparation obligations and other pecuniary liabilities of Germany under the Treaty of Versailles proposed to the Reparation Commission on April , , by the First Committee of Experts appointed by the Commission (which plan is referred to in this agreement as the Experts’ [Dawes] Plan) and of facilitating the working of the Experts’ Plan by putting into operation such additional arrangements as may hereafter be made between the German Government and the Allied Governments at the Conference now being held in London, in so far as the same

may lie within the respective spheres of action of the Reparation Commission and the German Government;

And the Reparation Commission acting in virtue not only of the powers conferred upon it by the said treaty but also of the authority given to it by the Allied Governments represented at the said Conference in respect of all payments by Germany dealt with in the Experts’ Plan but not comprised in Part VIII of the said treaty;

Hereby agree as follows: . The German Government undertakes

to take all appropriate measures for carrying into effect the Experts’ Plan and for ensuring its permanent operation . . . .