Gilles Deleuze (1925-95) was born in France in 1925 and, after a long and chronic battle with cancer, committed suicide in November 1995. He studied at the Sorbonne under Georges Canguilhem and Jean Hyppolite. He proceeded to teach philosophy at the Sorbonne, the University of Lyon, and, at the invitation of Michel Foucault, at the experimental University of Paris VIII at Vincennes. He retired in 1987. Deleuze was a prolific writer, penning individual monographs-–which he termed a “philosophical geography”––on philosophy, literature, and art. This work includes important studies of the history of philosophy on Hume, Nietzsche, Bergson, Spinoza, Proust, Leibniz, as well as critiques of Kantian and Platonic thought. His work radically rethinks issues such as representation, linguistic meaning, subjectivity, and difference.