A fascination with places; wide-ranging general knowledge about the world and enjoyment of learning more Well developed sense of place; ability to draw on theories and models to explain patterns and processes and understand the interdependence of places Can apply geographical knowledge and understanding to new and unfamiliar contexts The ability to select and make effective use of a wide range of geographical skills and techniques to support investigations and clearly communicate the findings Can rapidly assimilate and synthesise new information to aid analysis Ability to explain complex interactions and relationships within and between human and physical processes Making use of a wide and precise geographical vocabulary and terminology Ability to predict and explain changes in the characteristics of places over time Asking perceptive, linked and complex geographical questions Expressing a range of viewpoints about an issue; highly developed and sensitive values system Creative and original thinking Proficient in undertaking independent working and enquiry Works well collaboratively and in less formal teaching situations (e.g. field trips) Can critically evaluate geographical evidence and enquiry and suggest improvements Understands links with other subjects and can transfer knowledge and skills

Name Class Teacher