Perhaps as a supplement to your lecture, I would like to remind you of a

very simple finding. You have very impressively interpreted these texts by Gerhard Schumann and Hanns Johst, yet these texts also stand in a formal

connection, or a formal historical connection, with something like Expres-

sionism. Johst begins as an Expressionist; he also begins as an extreme leftist.

Here too – or with Arnolt Bronnen – we find similar phenomena: literary

texts are, as it were, liturgically functionalised; they make use of liturgical

linguistic forms. This is one connection, and I would ask how you would

understand political religions in terms of this connection. For this too is

political religiosity, even if not the religious faith that was specific to National Socialist or to Communist goals. One might also recall Georg

Kaiser’s Gas or a whole variety of Expressionist texts.