They were also able to find a lighter side to Messiaen's personality. Although he was a serious individual, he could be gregarious and not without a sense of humor. Hill and Simeone show, furthermore, the more difficult aspects of Messiaen's private life, such as his care of Oaire Delbos, his first wife, and the physical suffering he endured in later years. The book is well annotated and includes numerous reproductions of photographs and documents, along with an impressive bibliography. Highly recommended. Reviews: William R. Braun, Opera News 71/1 (July 2006): 64; M. Neil, Choice 4318 (April 2006): 1413; Andrew Thomson, ''All for Jesus," Musical Times 147/1894 (Spring 2006): 73-80; David Schiff, "Music for the End of Time," The Nation 282/6 (13 February 2006): 25-29; Ditlev Rindom, "llluminating the Beyond: The Life and Work of Olivier Messiaen," The Cambridge Quarterly 35/2 (2006): 188-91; and Bruce R. Schueneman, Library Journal 130/16 (1 October 2005): 78.