The commands that are introduced and the sections in which they are premiered are as follows:

calendar (2.2) clc (2.2) computer (2.2) ctrl-c (2.2) date (2.2) doc (2.2) edit (2.2) exit (2.2) help (2.2) license (2.2) ls (2.2) open (2.2) pwd (2.2) quit (2.2) up arrow (2.2) version (2.2) who (2.2) whos (2.2) ; (2.4) % (2.5) … (2.5) commandwindow (2.5) ctrl-R (2.5) ctrl_T (2.5) F5 (2.5) Run (2.5) diary (2.6)

To use MATLAB, you have to activate it and access its range of functions. MATLAB is activated, as most computer applications are, by clicking on its icon on the computer desktop or wherever its icon is located.