Tools for Teaching Children to Calm Down    207 Tool 1. Self-Soothing    207 Tool 2. Activities for Problems of Touch    211 Tool 3.  Guidelines for Helping Children Move with Ease                and Comfort          215 Tool 4.  Teaching Your Child to Be More Coordinated    217 Tool 5.  Learning to Pay Attention    219 Tool 6.  Distraction    222 Tool 7.  Positive Self-Talk          224 Tool 8.  Mindfulness: Stilling the Mind          226 Tool 9.  Systematic Relaxation: Stilling the Body  228

Tools for Building Self-Esteem    230 Tool 10.  Validation    230 Tool 11.  Child-Centered Time    232 Tool 12.  Having Fun    234

Tools for Managing Out-of-Control Behavior           236 Tool 13.  Changing Behavior: Positive Reinforcement,                  Ignoring, Modeling, and Shaping Behavior      236 Tool 14.  Teaching Consequences and Repair      238 Tool 15.  Observing Limits      240 Tool 16.  Time Out              242 Tool 17.  A Token Economy: Rewarding Positive Behavior              245

Tools for Providing Structure              248 Tool 18.  Food Rules              248 Tool 19.  Being Content Alone              250 Tool 20.  Strategies for Managing Your Child at Night                          253 Tool 21.  Helping Your Child Feel Less Fearful At Nighttime              257 Tool 22.  Providing Structure to the Day              258

Tools for Improving Interpersonal Skills              261 Tool 23.  The Ice-Cream Sandwich            261 Tool 24.  Having GREAT FUN Communicating            262 Tool 25.  Teaching Responsibility and Cooperation           263

Tool 1. Self-Soothing Activities that Are Mentally Soothing What does  your  child  like  to do  that  is  calming? The  activities might  include playing with Legos or dolls, reading, video games, etc. Bear  in mind  that to be soothing, the task should not be too demanding or frustrating. Make a poster or chart  with your child, listing his favorite activities. Pictures or line drawings may need to accompany  the list. Refer to this with your child, updating it periodically. Indicate which activities are best  at certain times of the day or for certain settings.