The process of technical design was discussed in some detail in

Chapters 2 and 3 although this was in mainly abstract terms. In this

chapter, the aim is to examine in greater depth, the real sources of

information that form the foundation for developing detail design solu-

tions. The assumption is therefore made that this refers to completely

new information or that which alters the way in which existing knowl-

edge is used. In doing this, four distinct sources have been identified and

these are:

1 building science, where empirical scientific information can be used

to inform the design

2 manufacturer’s information, where the results of research and

development conducted on behalf of manufacturers can be used to

develop or modify the design process

3 standard details, where previous successful work can remove some

of the more onerous design development

4 technical literature, available from various sources such as the

Building Research Establishment or trade associations such as

the Concrete Association can also be highly influential in design
