This chapter provides an account of how the various proposals from the North DQG WKH 6RXWK UHÀHFW SUHIHUHQFHV IRU SOXUDOLVW DQGPRUH VROLGDULVW FRQFHSWLRQV of the international community, respectively, in the design of the policies of the global waste management regime – the Basel Convention.1 The chapter indicates how the policies of the Basel Convention attempt to accommodate these opposing views of international society and the conceptions of justice that support them. It GHPRQVWUDWHVWKDWWKHµPLQLPXPMXVWLFH¶UHFRUGHGLQ%DVHOE\ZD\RIWKHEDQ was possible only to the extent that a fundamental premise of neoliberal justice was upturned in favour of justice as care and justice as need, which were originally limited to declarative portions in the original Convention.