This chapter is intended to tie together the three cases assessed in Chapters 4-6. Many of the arguments presented in this chapter will have been encountered in one form or another in the preceding chapters but the aim here is to bring them together in a more concise form. I start by reviewing the two neoliberal ideas of justice that I claim predominate in international environmental management circles. I then go on to show that the core policies in the three studied regimes are indeed underpinned by these two ideas of justice as claimed. Subsequently, I highlight how much of the vagueness and contradictions that characterize regime texts and policies arise from the resistance against these two ideas of justice and the compromises that are secured as a result. As in Chapter 3, my discussion on justice as SURSHUW\ULJKWVZLOOFHQWUHRQ5REHUW1R]LFN¶VWKHRU\RIµMXVWLFHDVHQWLWOHPHQW¶ especially as articulated in his book Anarchy, State and Utopia (1974). For justice as self-interested reciprocity I focus on the works of two leading contemporary theorists, David Gauthier’s Morals by Agreement (1986) and Gilbert Harman’s Justice and Moral Bargaining (1983). The chapter critically examines these two QHROLEHUDOFRQFHSWLRQVRIMXVWLFHWRUHYHDOWKHGLI¿FXOWLHVWKDWWKH\HQJHQGHUDVWKH ethical basis of the core policies of most international environmental regimes that bid to secure a more equitable distribution of global resources within the context of North-South equity and sustainable development.