I have attempted to examine the way that ideas of justice feature both implicitly and explicitly in the course of the development and operation of global environPHQWDOUHJLPHV7KHSURMHFWZDVSURPSWHGE\DQRWLFHDEOHUKHWRULFDOLQÀDWLRQRI justice in international environmental governance circles and relevant academic literature. The broad aim, therefore, was to understand the nature of the global HQYLURQPHQWDOMXVWLFHGLVFRXUVHWKDWKDVGHYHORSHGVWHDGLO\VLQFHWKH¿UVW8QLWHG Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea and to indicate the impacts, prospects and limitations of this discourse on general interstate relations, but especially within the context of international co-operation for global environmental PDQDJHPHQWDQG1RUWK±6RXWKHTXLW\7KHVSHFL¿FDLPVZHUHLWRLGHQWLI\WKH particular notions of justice that underlie core environmental policies and the interests they privilege, and to assess the degree of compatibility between such prevailing notions of justice and the concept of sustainable development; and (ii) to highlight the inadequacies of the main approaches to regime analysis as a means of accounting for the ethical dimensions of institutions for global environmental governance.