Whenever actors try to say something, but lose it underneath a giggle, the director always make them do whatever it was they were struggling to say. It is obvious that their instinct wants to come up with something, but their intellect censors it as silly, so they giggle as they say it. One's Job as an actor is to realize that his/her initial impulse is of value. If one comes up with an idea, do not reject it because he/she thinks it is wrong or silly but trust that it popped into his/her mind for a good reason. Conversely, if one told to cut something out, do not. Instead, replace it with something else. After all, there must have been a reason why he/she came up with the idea, so changing it to something else acknowledges that there is something that needs to be theatricalized. Just cutting things out leads to empty and unfulfilled acting, so change rather than delete.