Web site: https://www.memorybanque.com" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">www.memorybanque.com

“There has been a wonderful increase in the amount of books by African-American authors and illustrators over the past few years. Finally, there is an opportunity to see books that cover a more realistic representation of the diversity that exists in this country. Thanks to the worldwide web, it is also easier to locate the sources of these books. My career as an illustrator and artist began through an opportunity through Children’s Book Press in San Francisco. There is a great opportunity to influence positive and inspiring thoughts and history through this medium designed to appeal to children and to offer them the opportunity to examine the world of books that inspires these influences. My inspiration is due to the severe shortage of books that expressed a specific point of view of my young life. I want to continue to see this publishing continue.”