Older adults now comprise the fastest growing segment of the population. In 1995 there were approximately 34 million persons over the age of 65, but by 2030 this number is expected to double (Bernstein, 1995; Hobbs, 1995). Advancing age can be associated with negative financial, social, and medical consequences, resulting in higher levels of perceived stress. It is recognized that many of the life changes experienced by older adults, such as retirement, loss of a spouse, and development of chronic medical conditions, can contribute to the onset and severity of substance abuse. In turn, substance abuse can have adverse effects on well-being by depleting available financial resources, alienating family and friends, and causing or contributing to medical ailments. Thus, it is apparent that there is a reciprocal and synergistic relationship between substance abuse and life changes experienced by the elderly, which for some may represent an obstacle to the management of increasing medical and social needs.