TVC’s online “Homosexual Urban Legends” series is an example of that. One article of that series, “Exposed: The Myth That ‘10% are Homosexual’ Updated,” challenges Kinsey’s analysis that 10 percent of males are “more or less exclusively homosexual” (rating a five or six on the Kinsey scale). TVC’s article cites a National Health and Social Life Survey, which found 2.8 percent of the male population and 1.4 percent of the female population identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. TVC’s article, however, fails to include data from surveys regarding men and women who reported same-sex behavior and attraction but didn’t identify themselves as lesbian or gay. Irvine writes that TVC’s article “argued that homosexuals used the ‘bogus’ figure in order to ‘recruit children into the homosexual lifestyle and to lobby for . . . special legal protections for homosexuals.’”