Mrs. R. L., aged 44, was referred to us with acute neurodermatitis of the neck, involving the upper portion of the chest and the back. The patient was refractory to all medicaments. Glove hypno-anesthesia was employed for relief of intractable itching. Post hypnotic directions were given for the patient to feel sensations of warmth and coldness over the involved areas. Direct hypnotic suggestion for the improvement in her skin was not given at any time. The neurodermatitis had developed immediately after her daughter had announced her engagement to a young man of another faith; this upset Mrs. R.L. terribly. The daughter was referred to a psychiatrist in attempt to delay the marriage; she was able to work through her feelings toward the young man and finally decided it would not be feasible marry him. The mother’s neurodermatitis promptly improved. However, during the period that her daughter was receiving psychotherapy, hypnosis afforded Mrs. R.L. relief from her itching, nervous tension, and anxiety. Hypnotherapy was employed as an adjunctive procedure.