Summerfield Glade School is a maintained day special school for boys and girls aged between three and nineteen. The majority of pupils have severe learning difficulties, some with very complex needs, and an increasing number of young pupils with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Currently there are 38 pupils on roll and this is steadily increasing. In addition there are eight pupils who are dual registered. All pupils have Statements of Special Educational Needs. The school is in a rural county of the north east of England and some pupils make quite long journeys to school each day. Six pupils are eligible for free school meals. The school is developing very good links with a number of mainstream schools, giving advice and support to a number of pupils with Statements. Some of these pupils are dual registered and spend some sessions in Summerfield Glade School. In addition, a small number of pupils are included in the local middle school for specific subjects. The school receives support and additional finance from the LEA for this work.