Let’s go back to the start. At the moment of conception the sperm has travelled up the fallopian tube and pierced the shell of the egg to form the zygote.The combination of genes from the father and from the mother provide a unique genetic pattern and, from that moment in time, and provided there are no accidents during the time of cell division or negative

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German measles in the mother then the ‘nature’ side of development is set. Already certain characteristics are in place, for example eye colour, body-build and temperament (e.g. whether the child will be outgoing or shy). Some of these attributes can be changed by experiences, e.g. the vulnerable child can learn to be more confident, but new learning or moments of stress can cause the inherited traits to emerge once more. Some features are not amenable to change, e.g. the child who wants to be a jockey but grows to six feet, just has to accept the body-build that was inherited. Growth patterns can only be minimally affected by diet, whereas the weight factor can vary a great deal depending on the quantity and quality of nutrition children have.