One of the key themes and developments in Western European politics over recent decades has been the emergence of extreme right-wing political parties and movements. The focus of this book is upon identifying the nature and success (or otherwise) in Western Europe of right-wing extremism in a post-war and contemporary context. The intention is to present the broad picture and to assess the significance of the parties on the extreme right and their respective emergence. Also, the book will examine key issues, the electorate and the impact of the extreme right in order to understand the mobilising themes and capacity of the parties belonging to this political family. The last century witnessed enormous upheaval and suffering in Europe as forces came to power, or aspired to do so, bent on ideologies, policies and practices incorporating intolerance, xenophobia, ethnic cleansing, racism, chauvinism and anti-Semitism. Consequently, the experiences of inter-war and wartime Europe conditioned debate after 1945, as post-war politics and society in Western Europe sought broadly to turn a page on the past and to look forward towards a more tolerant and open future.