New forms of architectural expression, sometimes called transmedia or multimedia, that combine digital technology and whose constructions typically cross disciplinary boundaries—such as interactive art installations or architectural interventions—are often linked to Internet sites. It is, in fact, anti-representational, recalling Bataille’s informe, and only imaginable through a concept of multiplicity that calls into question any essential wholeness of the subject. From this perspective, it could be described as a mapping of the in-between, a mapping of the absent, which through the action of the supplement always bears the trace of presence. In other words, if architectural expression is present as code, that is to say, is in the programming language as a set of instructions, then the new media expression of architecture is at once the code, the visual image on screen, and the resultant three-dimensional artifact. This digital mapping is not a physical expression of architecture, but rather a description of a set of relations or the possibility of architecture.