This final section presents a selection of texts on the Origenist controversy not previously translated into English. The volume devoted to Jerome in the second series of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers contains three of Theophilus’ personal letters,1 but omits the Synodal Letter of 400 to the bishops of Palestine and Cyprus, and the three Festal Letters of 401, 402 and 404, rhetorical tours de force preserved in their entirety only in Jerome’s Latin translations. Jerome asserts in a covering letter to a copy of his translation of FL 17 of 402, together with the Greek original, addressed to his Roman friends Pammachius and Marcella that he has worked hard to render Theophilus’ sense and tone accurately (Ep. 97. 3). The Greek fragments support his claim. Also offered here is an exegetical fragment translated by Jerome and entitled by its modern editors On Isaiah 6: 1-7. The remaining texts have been handed down in the original Greek, but only in fragmentary form. Some of the fragments have long been known through their having been cited by Palladius, Theodoret and Justinian. Others have been recovered more recently from anti-Origenist florilegia.