Although the focus of this book has largely been on core curriculum matters in inclusive PE, it is important to highlight how pupils with SEN can access activity outside the curriculum time through extra-curricular and/or community based activities. This is of particular relevance as the PE NC (QCA 1999a) makes direct links with school and extracurricula sporting activities, which children with SEN are just as entitled to as their nondisabled peers. There are a number of organisations and initiatives aimed at providing activity for children alongside those specialist agencies who support children with SEN. Consequently, as part of their extended inclusive practice PE teachers should seek to develop partnership links with such organisations. This is of particular relevance in the Government’s Game Plan (DCMS 2002) strategy, which encourages schoolcommunity links in order to ensure that the foundations of physical activity within the curriculum are built upon and extended after school into lifelong enjoyment and participation in sport.