And yet beginning is far from straightforward. The difficulty, again, is the Heidegger in question.53 Here what is central is the attempt by Heidegger to formulate what he identifies as ‘the thinking of Being’. While this may seem to limit, perhaps unduly, Heidegger’s philosophical undertaking the project of such a thinking is central to his conception of the philosophical task and thus the attempt to formulate it as a pro-ject. Again this will demand emphasising the formulation within and as part of the struggle to formulate. Here what this will entail is the attempt to situate the presentation of the ‘thinking of Being’ within the frame of destruction. The latter is of course the attempt to establish singularity by the ending of relation and the obliterating of the event. Writing of destruction in relation to Heidegger is, however, already to run a risk. Heidegger writes of ‘destruction’.