Within the impossibility of a founding singularity-within, to be more precise, the grounding and thus the placing of its putative possibility in the twofold movement of sacrifice and forgetting (allowing here, as an opening, destruction and sacrifice a similiar logic)—the question of the abeyance of sacrifice and forgetting inevitably comes to the fore. Its coming to the fore, its possible presentation, should not be taken as in any way attempting to restrict its difficulty as a question and thus as a mode of philosophical thinking. (The opening here will have to involve in addition therefore the consideration of a series of topics-sites within the complexity of movement-and with them their combination as well as their interarticulation; a twofold comprising a form of translation.) Sacrifice as has been indicated becomes part of a strategy of establishing singularity and with it of the necessary denial of the primordiality of relation and this despite, as will have already been shown, the implicit maintaining of that primordiality, precisely maintained it should be added in being repressed-precisely-because of the effective nature of its presence.