The 8th World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Congress held in April-May 1979 in Geneva made the decision to develop and accomplish a World Climate Programme (WCP) consisting of four programmes (Kondratyev 1982a): Climatic Data Programme (CDP), Applied Climatology Programme (ACP), World Climate Application Programme (WCAP) and World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). This chapter explores Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) in greater detail, as it has become a key component of the WCRP. The requirements for satellite data for GEWEX and in general are determined by the need to employ geostationary and low-orbit satellites. Accomplishing GEWEX, and operationalizing an improved global observation system, facilitate the first step towards a comprehensive understanding of the global-scale changes in energy exchange and moisture exchange happening in our environment. The requirements for satellite data for GEWEX and in general are determined by the need to employ geostationary and low-orbit satellites.