Scenes 1: Zandile and Bongi

Scene 1: Zandile and Bongi

(ZANDILE is heard offstage saying goodbye to her school friends, who are going in the opposite direction. There is a lot of talking and laughing and the hubbub of taking leave.)

ZANDILE Umbonile ke lowa mfana ukuthi ushaywe kanjani esathi wenza lokuhlaka nipha kwakhe kanti kade eseboniwe… washaywa ezinqeni vumphu vumphu! Wabaleka. Zamhleka-ke ezinye izingane. Hahahaha! Nihambe kahle ngizonibona kusasa, heyi Nomusa, ungakhohlwa phela ukuphatha iskipping rope mina ngizoza namacryons-I’ll bring my crayons… Nomusa you promised hawu…mpff, kanti udlala ngami…bye bye…bye bye. (ZANDILE now enters the acting area. She is quite subdued and she looks a bit sad

and apprehensive as she faces the rest of her journey homeward on her own. She starts singing about mothers who will be coming home bringing their children sweets, rice and meat. At first she sings the song to herself, but it grows more confident as she winds her way around the acting area as if it were her path home. She notices some pretty stones on her path and stops to pick them up. She continues, now playing a hopscotch game with the stones. She slows down as she sings…) ZANDILE

(She closes her eyes and opens her mouth for GOGO to put something in it. Her eyes grow bigger with the thought of the sweets and she pops a stone into her mouth. She imagines that it has become her favourite sweet.) ZANDILE Mmmm icemints. (She succeeds in her

fantasy for one moment, but once again the sweet becomes a stone, and she spits it out.) Ag phu! Ngiyisilirna kanti akunaswidi la, it’s just a stone!