Jawhar (Ar.) [pl jawādhir] Technical term in Islamic philo­ sophy meaning 'substance'. It derives from Aristotelian meta­ physical terminology and is an Arabic translation of the Greek word ousía. However, as distinct from Aristotle, several of the great Islamic philosophers like al-Kindī (q.v.) and Ibn Sīnā (q.v.) believed that God should not be described by the term 'substance'. In this respect both shared the view of the Neoplatonist philosopher and founder of Neoplatonism, Plotinus (AD 204-5-AD 270). (See 'Arad; ristotelianism, Islamic; Falsafa; Neoplatonism, Islamic)

Jeddah See under Hawwā',

Jerusalem In Arabic this major city is called al-Quds, a word which means 'The Holy'. Jerusalem is revered as the third holiest