According to research on people aged twenty years and older, only 24.1 per cent of the men and 34.5 per cent of the women do not participate in sport. But of those who do participate in sport for more than thirty minutes, twice a week, the proportions are closer: 33.9 per cent are men and 32.1 per cent are women (Itani et al. 2001, 91). With regard to sports participation rates of active women by age, the proportion of those who engage in a sport activity for over thirty minutes, more than twice a week, decreases from 15.9 per cent (of all twenty-year-old women respondents) to 11.3 per cent in the thirties, increasing rapidly to 19.9 per cent in the forties, peaking with 21.7 per cent in the fifties, and then decreasing to 15.6 per cent (amongst sixty-year-olds) and to 12.7 per cent of women aged seventy and older (Itani et al. 2001: 92).