When typing your article, do not include design or formatting information. Type all text flush left, unjustified and without hyphenation. Do not use indents, tabs or multispacing. If an indent is required, please note it by a line space; also mark the position of the indent on the hard copy manuscript. Indicate the beginning of a new paragraph by typing a line space. Leave one space at the end of a sentence, after a comma or other punctuation mark, and before an opening parenthesis. Be sure not to confuse lower case letter “1” with numeral “1”, or capital letter “O” with numeral “0”. Distinguish opening quotes from close quotes. Do not use automatic page numbering or running heads. Tables and displayed equations may have to be rekeyed by the typesetter from your hard copy manuscript. Refer to the journal Notes for

another program, please provide details of the program used and the procedures you followed. If you have used macros that you have created, please include them as well. You may supply illustrations that are available in an electronic format on a separate disk. Please clearly indicate on the disk the file format and/or program used to produce them, and supply a high-quality hard copy of each illustration as well. Submit your disk when you submit your final hard copy manuscript. The disk file and hard copy must match exactly. If you are submitting more than one disk, please number each disk. Please mark each disk with the journal title, author name, abbreviated article title and file names. Be sure to retain a back-up copy of each disk submitted. Pack your disk carefully to avoid damage in shipping, and submit it with your hard

Contributors for style for Greek characters, variables, vectors, etc. Articles prepared on most word processors are acceptable. If you have imported equations and or scientific symbols into your article from

copy manuscript and complete Disk Specifications form (see reverse) to the person designated in the journal Notes for Contributors.