To speak of sacred science or the traditional metaphysics which provides the necessary and essential background for the cultivation of sacred science, necessitates discussing the question of the multiplicity of sacred forms as well as the denial of these forms by secularized man. While truth is one, its expressions are many, especially for modern man who lives in a world in which the homogeneity of the traditional ambience is destroyed and in which there is on the one hand the acceptance and in fact “absolutization” of secular man and the humanism based upon man conceived in such a manner, and on the other hand the presence of diverse sacred traditions whose reality can no longer be neglected. Consequently, if one is to address the human condition today, one must not only assert the unity of the truth and the oneness of the Spirit, but also the multiple reflections of the world of the Spirit in the human ambience. Furthermore, this task must be carried out with full awareness and critical appraisal of that process of secularization which has sought to destroy the reality of the world of the Spirit while praising the human spirit with all the ambiquities and deficiencies which the latter entails and replacing the traditional concept of man with one which divorces him from his Divine Archetype of which he is the earthly embodiment.