The intellectual activity of mankind is immensely diverse, spanning many dimensions and manifesting itself in countless disparate forms. A crude but appealing mapping on to one dimension would put science and mathematics at one pole and painting, music and literature at the other, the one commonly characterized by cold, analytical rationality, the other by intuitive feeling and form. From an Apollonian point of view both science and art aim for an understanding of the world; both appear to be part of an all-embracing culture of enquiry, a search for all forms of truth. And off in their own dimensions are religions and philosophies with their own revealed and argued truths. Science, religion, art, philosophy each tend to exhibit the all-too-human myopia of claiming absolute status for its truths, which does not make things easy. Yet, somehow in life, one must make judgements and evaluations – Is this true or false? Is this good or bad? Is this beautiful, or what? There is this urgent need to possess an integration of beliefs about the world.