From day one in most International Relations (IR) classes students are introduced to one or other of the well-known texts by Keohane. He is probably one of the most quoted IR scholars in recent years. By studying his authorship one can get an insight into the development of International Relations theory in the last two decades and thereby locate some of the general problems facing IR today. Furthermore, his work can help us understand the process of agenda-setting in the Anglo-Saxon academic world. Broadly speaking, Keohane has been instrumental in developing two influential research programmes, and a third appears to be in the making. To a large extent he has come to symbolize these two research programmes: transnationalism/ interdependence and international regimes; both have been at the very centre of our International Relations debates. The third campaign, international institutionalism, still has to be elaborated upon further before one can judge how influential it will become. Since the development of these campaigns has evolved progressively over the years the presentation of Keohane’s work will follow a rather ordered chronology.