Following his military reforms in Armenia, Justinian now undertook a systematic reorganisation of the Roman Armenian territories, seeking to integrate the former satrapies and Armenia Interior into the empire. He established four provinces of Armenia. The frontier provinces were Armenia I, which incorporated both Theodosiopolis and Satala, and Armenia IV, which took over the old satrapies and had its chief city at Martyropolis (Nov.J.31, tr. in Adontz 1970: 133-6). See Toumanoff 1963: 174-5, Adontz 1970: ch.7, Hewsen 1992: 18 (with a map), Garsoïan 1999: 195-6. Roughly simultaneously with these developments in Armenia, the Roman grip on the Transcaucasus tightened. Roman troops were deployed in Lazica and a city established at Petra. In addition, the new commander there, John Tzibus, restricted trade, to the vexation of the Lazi (Proc. II.15.1-26). See Lordkipanidse and Brakmann 1994: 85-6, Braund 1991: 222-3, Braund 1994: 290-5.