One of the virtues of producing for the Web is that, in comparison with other media such as print and broadcasting, it can be relatively inexpensive for the small producer once you have the basic equipment in the form of a personal computer and a modem. With the price of computers falling all the time and low-cost ISPs becoming more prevalent, it is possible to create sophisticated pages with little more than the text editor bundled with the operating system.

While it is possible to build a web site with nothing more than the tools included with an operating system, in practice producers will employ other programs, many of which are aimed at simplifying the task of hand coding a web site, others providing support for tasks such as video or image editing. There is a thriving market in tools to help web producers, many of them available as freeware or shareware on the Web (shareware programs are distributed freely but require users to register if the application is used after the evaluation period).