Esteemed for providing the best available translations, Philosophic Classics: Ancient Philosophy, features complete works or complete sections of the most important works by the major thinkers, as well as shorter samples from transitional thinkers. First published in 1961, Forrest E. Baird's revision of Philosophic Classics, Pearson Education's long-standing anthology (available in split volumes), continues the tradition of providing generations of students with high quality course material. Using the complete works, or where appropriate, complete sections of works, this anthology allows philosophers to speak directly to students. For more information on the main combined anthology, or the additional period volumes, please see below: Philosophic Classics: From Plato to Derrida, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783864Philosophic Classics, Volume I: Ancient Philosophy, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783856Philosophic Classics, Volume III: Modern Philosophy, 6/E ISBN-10: 0205783899

part |18 pages

Prologue I: Early Christianity

chapter |3 pages

Justin Martyr, ca. a.d. 110–ca. 165

chapter |2 pages

Tertullian, ca. a.d. 155–ca. 220

chapter |2 pages

Origen, ca. a.d. 185–ca. 254

part |24 pages

Prologue II: Other Foundational Documents

part |74 pages

Augustine, a.d. 354–430

part |72 pages

Early Medieval Philosophy

chapter |15 pages

Boethius, ca. a.d. 480–ca. a.d. 524

chapter |8 pages

Anselm (and Gaunilo), 1033–1109

chapter |22 pages

Peter Abelard, ca. 1079–ca. 1142

chapter |7 pages

Hildegard of Bingen, 1098–1179

chapter |9 pages

John of Salisbury, ca. 1120–1180

part |64 pages

Islamic and Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages

chapter |15 pages

Avicenna, a.d. 980–1037

chapter |4 pages

Al-GhazĀLĪ, 1058–1111

chapter |22 pages

Averroës, 1126–1198

chapter |21 pages

Moses Maimonides, 1135–1204

part |54 pages

Thirteenth-Century Philosophy

chapter |8 pages

Robert Grosseteste, ca. 1168–1253

chapter |11 pages

Roger Bacon, ca. 1214–ca. 1292

chapter |21 pages

Bonaventure, 1221–1274

chapter |12 pages

Siger of Brabant, ca. 1240–ca. 1284

part |102 pages

Thomas Aquinas, 1225–1274

part |70 pages

Late Medieval Philosophy

chapter |29 pages

John Duns Scotus, ca. 1265–1308

chapter |27 pages

William of Ockham, ca. 1285–1349

chapter |7 pages

Meister Eckhart, ca. 1260–ca. 1328

chapter |5 pages

Catherine of Siena, ca. 1347–1380

part |56 pages

Renaissance Philosophy

chapter |7 pages

Nicholas Cusanas, 1401–1464

chapter |10 pages

Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469–1527

chapter |10 pages

Thomas More, 1478–1535

chapter |6 pages

Michel de Montaigne, (1533–1592)

chapter |7 pages

Luis de Molina, 1535–1600

chapter |9 pages

Giordano Bruno, (1548–1600)