Illuminating the world of archaeology.

Archaeology conveys the excitement of archaeological discovery and explains how archaeologists think as they scientifically find, analyze, and interpret evidence. The main objective of this text is to provide an introduction to the broad and fascinating world of archaeology from the scientific perspective. Discussions on the theoretical aspects of archaeology, as well as the practical applications of what is learned about the past, have been updated and expanded upon in this fourth edition.

Learning Goals
Upon completing this book, readers will be able to:

  • Discuss the theoretical aspects of archaeology.
  • Apply what has been learned about the past.
  • Identify the various perspectives archaeologists have.

Part 1:  What is Archaeology?
Chapter 1:    The Science of Archaeology
Chapter 2:    Backgrounds of Archaeology
Chapter 3:    The Development of Contemporary Archaeology
Part 2:  Obtaining Information About the Past
Chapter 4:    The Archaeological Record
Chapter 5:    Conducting Fieldwork
Chapter 6:    Classification and Analysis of Artifacts
Chapter 7:    Determining Time
Chapter 8:    Bioarchaeology: Human Remains
Part 3:  Interpreting the Past
Chapter 9:      Environment and Adaptation
Chapter 10:    Understanding Past Settlement and Subsistence
Chapter 11:    Interpreting Past Cultural Systems
Chapter 12:    Understanding Culture Change
Part 4:  Public Achaeology
Chapter 13:    Cultural Resource Management
Chapter 14:    Archaeology in the Real World