"It is with great pleasure that I recognize those who helped make this book possible. I am indebted to A. Doak Barnett, Paul H. B. Godwin, and Barry Naughton for their many extremely useful suggestions on the conceptual structure and details of the analysis. Others shared many of their resources and contacts; among them are Wendy Frieman, Albert Kiedet Commander Phil Midland, Jonathan Pollack, David Shambaugh, and Jeffrey Taylor. Sammie Choy provided invaluable production assistance with the tables and graphs. Barbara Bowersox gave essential administrative support in the initial research and writing stage. For funding that made travel to China possible, I am grateful to the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS Rome Grant) and the Shell Oil Company (Shell Fellowship). Most important of alt my wife, Eleano~; provided unfailing encouragement, critical insight, editorial suggestions, and wordprocessing skills."