The tenth edition of Keen's Latin American Civilization inaugurates a new era in the history of this classic anthology by dividing it into two volumes. This second volume retains most of the modern period sources from the ninth edition but with some significant additions including a new set of images and a wide range of new sources that reflect the latest events and trends in contemporary Latin America. The 75 excerpts in volume two provide foundational and often riveting first-hand accounts of life in modern Latin America. Concise introductions for chapters and excerpts provide essential context for understanding the primary sources.

part 1|77 pages

Independence and its Aftermath

chapter 1|31 pages

The Struggle for Independence

chapter 2|44 pages

Searching for a New Road

part 2|76 pages

Constructing the Nation-State

chapter 3|36 pages

Real and Imagined Communities

part 3|123 pages

Consolidating the Nation-State

chapter 5|40 pages

The Rise of Mass Politics and Culture

chapter 6|45 pages

Revolution, Democracy, and Dictatorship

chapter 7|36 pages

Democracy, Civil War, and Neoliberalism

part 4|94 pages

Challenges to the Nation-State

chapter 8|44 pages

Globalization and Its Discontents

chapter 9|48 pages

The Two Americas