This encyclopedia includes entries on the concepts, issues and theories starting with alphabets D to K that define public policymaking, evaluation, management and implementation. It also includes entries on the individuals, commissions and organizations that have contributed to these fields.

D -- Data Protection -- Debt, National -- Decision -- Decision Theory -- Defaults, Municipal -- Deferred Giving -- Deinstitutionalization -- Delphi Technique -- Deterrence -- Development Administration -- Development Officer -- Dimock, Marshall Edward (1903-1991) -- Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities -- Discipline -- Discrimination, Age -- Discrimination, Gender -- Discrimination, Racial -- Dismissal -- Doctrine of Exhaustion -- 708 -- Donor -- Dror, Yehezkel (b. 1928) -- Dual-Career Couples -- Duty of Fair Representation -- E -- Ecole National d'Administration (ENA) -- Economic Warfare -- Education Policy -- Effectiveness -- Emergency Management -- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) -- Employment Policy -- Endowment -- Enterprise Zones -- Entrepreneurial Public Administration -- Environmental Policy, Domestic -- Equal Employment Opportunity -- Equitable Delivery of Services -- Ethics in Nonprofit Organizations -- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) -- European Coal and Steel Community -- European Economic Area (EEA) -- European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) -- Evaluation -- Executive Agency Policy -- Executive Budget -- Executive Order -- Exit Interview -- Expenditure Forecasting -- F -- Family Allowances -- Family Policy -- Federal Reserve System -- Federated Fund-Raising -- Field Theory -- Financial Administration -- Financial Indicators -- Fiscal Equalization, Metropolitan -- Fiscal Policy -- Flextime -- Follett, Mary Parker (1868-1933) -- Foreign Aid -- 924 -- Foundation Center -- Fragmentation -- Freedom of Information (FOI) -- Friedman, Milton (1912-) -- Fringe Benefits -- Fulton Report -- Futures Analysis -- G -- Gender Policy -- 969 -- Generalists -- Gifts -- Gilbreth, Frank Bunker (1868-1924) and Lillian Evelyn Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972) -- Glassco Commission -- Goals and Quotas -- Governance of Nonprofit Organizations -- Government Accounting -- Government Failure -- Grant-in-Aid -- Great Society, the -- Grievance Machinery -- Groupthink -- Gubernatorial Budgeting -- Gulick, Luther Halsey (1892-1993) -- H -- Hamiltonian Public Administration Theory -- Health Insurance Policy -- Health Promotion -- Hierarchy -- The Higher Committee for Administrative Reform (HCAR) -- Hoover Commissions -- 1073 -- Human Relations -- Human Resource Planning -- 1083 -- Ibn Taimiah, Ahmad Abdulhaleem (1263-1329) -- Impeachment -- Imperialism, Economic -- Implied Powers -- Incentive Pay -- Incremental Budgeting -- Indexing -- Indigenous Peoples, Habitat -- Indonesian Administrative Tradition -- Inflation -- Information Resources Management (IRM) -- Initiative and Referendum -- Innovation -- Institute of Public Administration (IPA) of Saudi Arabia -- Intelligence Policy -- Intercultural Communication -- Intergovernmental Management (IGM) -- Internal Security -- International City/County Management Association -- 1187 -- Interorganizational Collaboration -- Interpersonal Communication -- Interviewing -- 1207 -- Japanese Administrative Culture -- Job Analysis and Evaluation -- Job Satisfaction -- Job Tenure -- Judicial Administration -- Jurisdiction -- K -- Kaufman, Herbert (1922-)