This anthology addresses the role of postsecondary institutional structures and policy in shaping the tenure-track process for Chicana and Latina faculty in higher education. Each chapter offers first-person narratives of survival in the academy employing critical theoretical contributions and qualitative empirical research. Major topics included are the importance of early socialization, intergenerational mentorship, culturally relevant faculty programming, and institutional challenges and support structures. The aim of this volume is to highlight practical and policy implications and interventions for scholars, academics, and institutions to facilitate tenure and promotion for women faculty of color.

chapter 1|10 pages

Introduction and Overview

Chicana and Latina Warriors in Academia

chapter 2|20 pages

Latinas Finding Voice and Community in Academe

Mentoring, Socialization, and Resistance Across Generations

chapter 4|12 pages

Developing Intentionality

How Postsecondary Institutions Can Nurture Latina Faculty Members to Achieve Tenure and Promotion

chapter 5|17 pages

Reflections on Becoming a Full Professor

A Journey Best Walked Together

chapter 6|17 pages

M(other)work as Radical Resurgence

Nurturing Survivance for Women of Color Faculty

chapter 7|16 pages

Triunfos y Tribulaciones/Triumphs and Challenges

An Intersectional Discussion on Chicana Leadership in the Academy

chapter 9|11 pages


In Solidarity With the Community We Serve