Wildfires can be caused by lightning, human agents (e.g., arson, campfires, bonfires, discarded cigarettes, etc.), and prescribed events gone awry, such as controlled burns (Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], 2018a). The startling fact is that 85% to 90% of wildfires are a result of human agents (Wolters, 2019). A reality of wildfires is the destruction, death, and devastation left in their wake. Because of broader societal issues, such as socioeconomic status and environmental hazards, the homeless are at increased risk and vulnerability to wildfires. This case study is futuristic in its setting and is located in a fictional place so as to assess what information participants will bring in to help them understand the situation. Many participants will assume a governance structure similar to their local or national identity along with social norms and beliefs. Although the case study is intended to see what participants add, the author was influenced by the impact to previously identified homeless populations and the increase in numbers resulting from wildfires along the United States’ West Coast, along with challenges faced in urban environments.