This book uses intermedial theories to study collage and montage, tracing the transformation of visual collage into photomontage in the early avant-garde period.

Magda Dragu distinguishes between the concepts of collage and montage, as defined across several media (fine arts, literature, music, film, photography), based on the type of artistic meaning they generate, rather than the mechanical procedures involved. The book applies theories of intermediality to collage and montage, which is crucial for understanding collage as a form of cultural production. Throughout, the author considers the political implications, as collages and montages were often used for propagandistic purposes.

This book combines research methods used in several areas of inquiry: art history, literary criticism, analytical philosophy, musicology, and aesthetics.



part I|38 pages

Theories of intermediality: form and meaning

chapter 1|20 pages

The history

chapter 2|16 pages

The theory

part II|58 pages


chapter 3|33 pages

A heterogeneous articulation of meaning

Avant-garde visual and verbal collage

chapter 4|23 pages

“The whole shebang!” 1

Musical collage and meaning

part III|102 pages

From collage to montage

chapter 5|30 pages

‘Transparent’ replacements

Visual collage and heterogeneous photomontage

chapter 6|42 pages

Intermedial models

Film montage and homogeneous photomontage

chapter 7|26 pages

Chasing the ‘greased pig’ of meaning

Literary and musical montage

chapter |3 pages
