Travel in early modern Europe is frequently represented as synonymous with the institution of the Grand Tour, a journey undertaken by elite young males from northern Europe to the centres of the arts and antiquity in Italy. Taking a somewhat different perspective, this volume builds upon recent research that pushes beyond this narrow orthodoxy and which decentres Italy as the ultimate destination of European travellers. Instead, it explores a much broader pattern of travel, undertaken by people of varied backgrounds and with divergent motives for travelling. By tapping into current reactions against the reification of the Grand Tour as a unique and distinctive practice, this volume represents an important contribution to the ongoing process of resituating the Grand Tour as part of a wider context of travel and topographicalmwriting. Focusing upon practices of travel in northern and western Europe rather than in Italy, particularly in Britain, the Low Countries and Germany, the essays in this collection highlight how itineraries continually evolved in response to changing political, economic and intellectual contexts. In so doing, the reasons for travel in northern Europe are subjected to a similar level of detailed analysis as has previously only been directed on Italy. By doing this, the volume demonstrates the variety of travel experiences, including the many shorter journeys made for pleasure, health, education and business undertaken by travellers of varying age and background across the period. In this way the volume brings to the fore the experiences of varied categories of traveller – from children to businessmen – which have traditionally been largely invisible in the historiography of travel.

part I|100 pages

Travel and elite formation

chapter 2|19 pages

The Duc de Rohan’s Voiage of 1600

Gallocentric travel to England in the formation of a French noble

chapter 3|19 pages

Foubert’s academy

British and Irish elite formation in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Paris and London

chapter 4|18 pages

The social challenge

Northern and central European societies on the eighteenth-century aristocratic Grand Tour 1

chapter 6|17 pages

Between specialisation and encyclopaedic knowledge

educational travelling and court culture in early eighteenth-century Germany

part 2|58 pages

Travel for leisure and business

chapter 7|20 pages

The Petit Tour to Spa, 1763–87

chapter 8|14 pages

Amsterdam as global market and meeting place of nations

Perspectives of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century French travellers in Holland

part III|39 pages

New patterns of travel

chapter 10|18 pages

Young cosmopolitans

Flemish and Dutch youths and their travel behaviour (from the late sixteenth to the eighteenth century)

chapter 11|19 pages

Revolutionary ruins

the reimagination of French touristic sites during the Peace of Amiens